
Botimum is a powerful Slackbot designed to enhance your team’s productivity with features like daily stand-ups, employee check-ins/outs, and polls. Seamlessly integrated with Slack, Botimum helps streamline your workflow without requiring you to switch between different tools.


To begin using Botimum, you need to install the Botimum Slackbot in your Slack workspace.

Install Botimum

Depending on your workspace settings, you might need permission to install new bots. If you encounter this, please reach out to your Slack admin for assistance.

Invite @Botimum to Your Channel

Before starting any workflow, make sure @Botimum is added to the desired channel in your Slack workspace. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Go to the channel where you want to set up your workflow or stand-up.
  2. Type @botimum in the message box. Slack will prompt you to invite Botimum to the channel.
  3. Click the “Invite Them” button to add Botimum to the channel.

Invite bot

For the best experience, we recommend inviting @Botimum to all relevant channels (both public and private) where you plan to execute workflows.

Manage workflows

Botimum offers a Slack-native user interface for managing workflows, allowing you to handle everything directly within Slack, without leaving Slack. However, if you prefer, you can also manage your workflows via the Botimum web console.

Historical data and advanced analytics are available only on the Botimum web console.

Manage workflows from Slack

To access the dashboard within Slack, simply run the /botimum slash command



To use a slash command, simply type / in the message field in Slack, followed by the command name. For example /botimum to see your dashboard.

Botimum Dashboard

Botimum also provides several shortcuts to help you quickly execute common tasks:

/poll "question" "option 1" "option 2"... - create a poll
Example: /poll "Which coffee do you prefer?" "Espresso" "Latte"

/yes_no question - Create a simple Yes/No poll
Example: /yes_no Are you available for a meeting?

/checkin - Quickly check in with your team.

Manage workflows from web console

If you prefer using a web interface, visit Botimum’s web console and log in with your Slack account to manage your team’s workflows.

Visit app.botimum.com and login with your Slack account to manage your team’s workflow.

Need More Help?

We’re here to assist you! If you have any questions or need further support, you can join our Botimum Slack workspace to chat directly with our team.

Join the Botimum Slack Workspace